North Dakota
North Dakota bill would allocate 100 whitetail tags to resident disabled vets

N.D. – Here’s a look at the status of hunting- and fishing-related bills in the North Dakota Legislature as of Thursday, Feb. 4:
HB 1017: Appropriates $91,812,839 to the Game and Fish Department for the biennium beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2023. House Appropriations Committee heard Jan. 12, no action taken.
HB 1081: Allows game wardens to enforce state laws on state-owned lands managed by the board of university and school lands. Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard Jan. 15, no action taken.
HB 1113: Requires permission from the owner or occupant of the property to place bait for the purpose of attracting wildlife, and provides a penalty. In addition, a person who installs a trail camera, etc., must have written permission from the owner or occupant of the property and the camera must have identification. Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard Jan. 21, no action taken.
HB 1120: Allows a resident who is entitled to purchase a disabled veteran deer license to hunt during the youth deer hunting season. The license is limited to one unit. Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard Jan. 21, amended to make it a whitetail license, the season would be five days preceding the youth season and during the regular deer gun season. In addition, 100 licenses would be available each year. The director of the North Dakota Game and Fish Department shall identify the five deer hunting units with the lowest selection rates for deer hunting licenses, and the licenses may not be used in those units or on public lands. An individual who receives one of these licenses may not apply in the deer gun lottery. Recommended do pass 12-0 as amended.