Crime & Safety
Fargo police investigate drink drugging cases

FARGO, N.D. – Fargo police continue to investigate a series of cases in which a person claims they were drugged while consuming alcohol at several downtown bars. Authorities say at this point they have been unable to connect the five open cases to a specific person or location. Deputy Chief Joe Anderson says video evidence doesn’t show anyone placing drugs in drinks. “Without getting into case specific information we have been able to show through a drug panel screen that one victim was negative for common date rape drugs. In a second incident we learned the victim was on mulitple prescription medications and should not have consumed alcohol.”
Anderson reminds residents – specifically females – to be attentive when consuming alcohol.
- Don’t allow people you don’t know or trust to order drinks or deliver them to you.
- Watch your drink at all times
- Never leave your drink unattended
- Keep your hand on your drink, covering it when you’re not looking at it
Anderson says anyone who believes they have been drugged should immediately seek medical attention and notify local authorities.