Officials warn as a number of overdose-related deaths occurred recently in Minot

MINOT, N.D. – As it continues its work to reduce drug misuse and overdoses, the Drug Enforcement Administration is launching a winter campaign urging the public to “Secure Your Meds”.
The pandemic has increased the importance of addressing prescription drug misuse, especially here in the state.
Officials say with Americans spending more time at home, it’s a good opportunity to clean out medicine cabinets and secure expired or unused medications.
Minot Chief of Police says the warning couldn’t have come at a better time.
“We have seen over the last couple of days a number of overdoses. A couple of them have led to deaths again. So it kind of ties into that last story. We need to change that beginning behavior,” said Chief John Klug.
Klug says there are a number of sites across the city, including the police department, where you can drop off unused prescription drugs no questions asked.