U.S News
Minot State’s nursing department expanding program to accommodate rising need for nurses

MINOT, N.D. – Minot State’s nursing department is getting some much needed upgrades and expansions.
With the rise in need for nurses, the department is adding more training rooms with help from the states Geer grant.
The additional simulation rooms act as a second resource for students to practice skills.
With the high number of COVID-19 cases in the state, the chair of nursing says the extra rooms can’t come at a better time.
Dr. April Warren, Minot State nursing department chair says, “We have lost some clinical sites. We continue to be very mindful about where our students are going. We elected to not have them positioned in the nursing home and we substituted simulation for that clinical area.”
The current rooms only hold about four students at a time, but with the expansion that number will triple.
The project is set to be complete January 8th, right before students return from break on January 12th.