First District Health Unit healthcare workers receive Moderna vaccine

MINOT, N.D. – First District Healthcare workers began receiving the Moderna vaccine Tuesday.
On Wednesday Dr. Casmiar Nwaigwe, Medical Director of First District, joined other FDHU healthcare workers in getting the COVID-19 Vaccine.
Nwaigwe is also an Infectious Disease Expert.
He said it was important for him to get the vaccination as a tool to protect himself.
“The hope is that it will protect against infection. We know from studies it can protect against severe symptoms,” he said.
After the shot, medical workers are asked to wait 15 minutes before leaving in case of an allergic reaction.
“All the people who have had a severe reaction have been successfully resuscitated and there is no lasting harm done,” said Nwaigwe.
He said he hopes this sets an example for the community.
“If many of us get vaccinated, hopefully, we are on our way to overcoming the coronavirus pandemic,” said Nwaigwe.
The vaccine requires a second dose 28 days later.
Nwaigwe said he will get his second vaccination in late January.