U.S News
First District Health Unit advises public on proper disposal of medications

MINOT, N.D. – Leadership with First District Health Unit is reminding the public to properly get rid of expired or unused prescription medications.
It’s an effort to reduce the risk of children and others getting access to them.
Holly Brekhus with the healthcare provider said it’s also important to do it responsibly.
She said people prescribed opioids can dispose of their medicine at a number of locations in Minot, including the pharmacy at the Center for Family Medicine, Community Medical Services, and the Minot Police Department.
They can also contact First District for medication disposal bags.
For those who use insulin, the public health provider also offers a SHARPS box to dispose of needles and syringes.
“We just ask that you put them in some kind of plastic container. Put them in a plastic bottle or something like that so that they’re not loose,” said Brekhus.