COVID cases drop significantly at Trinity Homes in Minot

MINOT, N.D. – Some good news on the COVID front for Trinity Homes, the long-term care facility in Minot. Following an outbreak of cases among residents and employees in early November, the numbers have come down drastically.
The facility has seen a remarkable downward trend in cases over the past two months.
All five testing events in the month of December have resulted in few positives.
There last two testing events had zero positive employees.
The last testing event, which took place last Thursday, revealed zero positives cases for both residents and staff.
“They just tested on Thursday. We got our results back from that testing, which was all negative for staff and residents. We are pleased with how the numbers have dropped a lot for our community and here at the facility,” said Randy Schwan, Trinity Health Vice President.
A staff member notes how the downward trend in cases allows some residents to come out of their rooms and socialize with other residents, just in time for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.”With the county level going down also, we get to have small groups of 10 or less, socially distant with masks, of course. So that too we are excited about. We finally get to get them out of their rooms and get them a little more active and moving,” said Wanda Maixner, Director of Activities at Trinity Homes.
Trinity Health has vaccinated more than 600 healthcare workers with the COVID-19 vaccine. They said they hope to start vaccinating workers and residents at the long-term care facility within the next few weeks.