City of Minot to offer rapid COVID-19 testing starting Monday

MINOT, N.D. – Free Binax-now antigen testing will be offered in Minot starting this week.
The free testing will begin Monday morning and run for at least a month, at Minot’s Fire Station 1 at 2111 10th Street SW. The testing is offered 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday.
Those who are testing should enter from the west off of 20th Avenue SW. You are highly encouraged to pre-register online to cut down on delays.
“Seeing the success that Fargo and Bismarck have had, we of course are interested in having a similar rapid screening here in Minot, especially following the holidays where we know that there could be an increase in asymptomatic spreaders. Something that we want to make sure we keep a handle on cause our numbers are really great compared to a month ago. We want to kind of keep it that way,” said Derek Hackett, Minot Public Information Officer.
Tests will be self-administered.
Results should be back within 15 minutes.