Vaccine hesitancy raises concerns for Sanford Health official

FARGO, N.D. — A Sanford Health medical expert says there is still some hesitancy throughout the community when it comes to getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
As more people receive their vaccinations, the number still remains far below the ideal, says Sanford Health’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Doug Griffin.
With more eligibility for the vaccinations, the demand has had the opposite effect as more supply has become readily available.
“Were concerned that the supply might outstrip the demand sooner than we’d had hoped. It’s way too early for that to be. We’ve not beaten COVID yet. I think if we don’t get a lot more people vaccinated we’re going to be dealing with this a lot longer,” Sanford Health’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Doug Griffin said.
Griffin says one way to increase the number of people vaccinated is to remove barriers that may prevent them from receiving a shot, such as accepting more walk-ins as opposed to appointments.