No vaccine, no service? Local attorney says “vaccine passports” are legal

FARGO, N.D.– As COVID-19 vaccinations continue ramping up, a local legal expert weighs in on the so-called “vaccine passports.”
Some businesses, universities and airlines have already begun asking customers for proof of vaccination.
Labor and Employment Law Attorney Lisa Edison-Smith with Vogel Law in Fargo says businesses have the right to require vaccination proof from both customers and employees.
She says asking someone to disclose whether or not they’ve had the vaccine is not a HIPAA violation because that protection only covers certain entities, like medical professionals.
“It’s allowed in North Dakota. It’s allowed in Minnesota. And, private businesses have — it’s sort of the no shirt, no shoes, no service rule. No vaccine, no mask, no service,” Edison-Smith explained.
A representative from Gov. Doug Burgum’s office tells KVRR Burgum is “100% opposed to government-mandated vaccine passports.”